Monday, March 2, 2015

Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle [Week 3]

What's the first thing you think of when you think of the three words above? Most probably run their imaginations towards Jason Derulo, but after this week, "wiggle" was given a totally different definition. Why, might you ask? All because of a concept when playing the violin called "vibrato." 

Vibrato is the vibrating sound created by wiggling one's finger on a string on the violin. It is used in musical pieces on longer notes. This concept is used by all intermediate to advanced playing violinists and is said to be one of the more difficult techniques to master. 

I invested thirty minutes out of the two hours that I practiced each day to work on vibrato.  Youtube was my go-to website once again when looking for a guide to teach me how to do so.  I ended up referencing to "Howcast," the youtube channel.  The video I used is shown below:

Using this video, I practiced, and practiced, and practiced.  Vibrato was a lot more difficult than I thought it was.  However, due to consistent practicing, I came up with somewhat decent results (because let's be real here, it's only been a week since I practiced vibrato).

I immediately realized a problem on the last day of the week (Saturday).  I only learned how to do vibrato; there was never an application to vibrato towards music.  Having realized this the last day of the week, I spent the whole of two hours practicing a piece (Swan Lake) with vibrato.  The results were not my favorite, however, it made myself recognize how different and hard it is to take vibrato and apply it to a piece.

The end result was not a result that I particularly expected, for vibrato was a much difficult technique to accomplish than I thought it was. Taking from what I learned this third week, I am going to keep the original schedule as is, except I will add 30 minutes to each practice (lengthening practice time to 2 hours 30 minutes), and will use those thirty extra minutes to continue learning vibrato. The third week was a difficult one; I'm curious as to what the fourth week will bring me!

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